Web Servers are powerful computers that have extremely large hard drives, or an array of hard drives, that have been set up by a hosting company, usually in a facility called a datacenter.�?�??�? A web server's only purpose is to store websites until someone wants to visit them, and then to quickly respond to the visitor's browser with the site's contents.�?�??�? �?�??�??
A server should be able to respond to at least several dozen requests at a time, if not hundreds.�?�??�? If depends on many factors, including server hardware and how popular the sites are.�?�??�? But even the most expensive server hardware isn't going to be very useful without the software to actually get things done.�?�??�? The key software programs of a web server are also themselves called servers, or daemons.�?�??�??
Most servers used for web hosting have at least four kinds of software running at all times:
�?�??�? 1)�?�??�? An HTTP or web server to provide the websites
�?�??�? 2)�?�??�? An FTP server for uploading files
�?�??�? 3)�?�??�? An email server or two
�?�??�? 4)�?�??�? A database server for storing information essential to the operation of a website)
Why can't you just run your website from your computer at home?�?�??�? There are several very good reasons why...Most ISP's specifically disallow people from runni8ng any type of web-related server on their networks.�?�??�? Doing so can get your Internet account terminated.�?�??�? Your upload and download speed would be very slow compared to what is offered by hosting companies.�?�??�? Now factor in the cost of electricity and failed parts, and upkeep for running it 24/7, and it is no longer financially good sense.�?�??�? So, now that you have found a great hosting company, stick with us, and we will do the best job for you, at the best cost!�?�??�? This ends this tutorial.